Rewards of Ziyarat
Imam Hussain ibn Ali (asws)
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (asws) narrates:
The days which one spends performing the Ziarat of Hussain (asws) are not counted as
part of their lives; those days do not deduct from their appointed life span.
Ref. Kamil ul Ziaraat -
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (asws)narrates:
I heard My Father, Imam Muhammad Baqir (asws), ask one of His servants who had just asked Him regarding the Ziarat of Hussain (asws), “To whose Ziarat are you going and
whom do you seek to please by going to this Ziarat?”The servant replied, “Allah swt.”
My Father, Imam Muhammad Baqir (asws) said:
“Those who establish one salat behind the grave of Hussain (asws) seeking the nearness of Allah will meet Him on the Day of Judgment shining so brightly that the light emanating from them will cover everything that sees them.
Allah (jj) will honor those who perform the Ziarat of Hussain (asws) and will prevent the hellfire from touching them. They will not be prevented from coming to the Pool of al Kauthar and none shall precede them.
Ameerul Momineen (asws) will be standing by al Kauthar and He will shake their hands and quench their thirst with the water.
Then they will go to their abodes in Jannah accompanied by an angel appointed by
Ameerul Momineen (asws). This angle will order Sirat (bridge over hellfire) to humble
itself before them and will order Hell not to touch them with its blazing fires. They will
pass over Sirat accompanied by the angel sent by Ameerul Momineen (asws).”Ref. Kamil ul Ziaraat
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (asws):
“Allah has seventy thousand angels devoted to the grave of Hussain (asws) ibn Ali (asws)
who worship Him (Allah) beside the grave of Hussain (asws). Each of their prayers is equal
to one thousand prayers of a human being, and the reward for their prayers is recorded for
those who perform the Ziarat of the grave of Hussain (asws) ibn Ali (asws).May the lanat of Allah, the lanat of the angels, and the lanat of the people be upon those
who slaughtered Hussain (asws) for all of eternity.Ref. Kamil ul Ziaraat
Muawiyah ibn Wahab narrates:
Aba Abdullah Imam Jafar e Sadiq (asws) said to me:
“O’ Muawiyah! Do not neglect the Ziarat of Hussain (asws) due to fear. For he who
abandons the Ziarat of Hussain (asws)—regardless of the reason—will regret so immensely
that he will wish that His (Hussain asws) grave was near him. Do you not want Allah to see
that you are amongst those whom RasoolAllah (saw), Ameerul Momineen (asws), Syeda
Fatima (sa), and the Imams (asws) pray for?Do you not yearn to be amongst those who return with forgiveness of their past sins and
do you not yearn to return from His Ziarat with seventy years of sins forgiven for you? Do
you not year to be amongst those who will not have any sins about which they will be
questioned when they leave this life? Do you not yearn to be amongst those whose hands
RasoolAllah (saw) will shake tomorrow on the Day of Judgment?”Ref. Kamil ul Ziaraat
Ibn Bukair narrates:
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (asws) said:
“O’ son of Bukair! Allah has chosen six places on earth; Baytul Haram (Kaaba), Masjid al
Haram, the graves of the prophets, the graves of the successors, the places of martyrdom of
the Martyrs and the mosques in which the name of Allah is remembered.O’ son of Bukair! Do you know the reward for those who perform the Ziarat of the grave
of Aba Abdullah al Hussain (asws), even though the jahil (ignorant) neglect it?”Every morning, an angel beside the grave of Hussain (asws) calls out, “O those who seek
blessings! Come to Allah’s Chosen One (Imam Hussain asws) so that you may return with
honor and will be protected from the regret!”This call is heard by all of the inhabitants of the east and the west except for mankind and jinn.
Upon hearing this call, all of the angels on earth to the zuwar (visitors) of Hussain (asws)
while they are asleep, sanctify Allah near them and ask Allah to be pleased with them (zuwar).
All of the angels in the skies who hear this call respond by glorifying Allah. The angels raise
their voices and the inhabitants of the first sky are so loud the inhabitants of the seventh
sky and the prophets can hear them and they (angels of the seventh sky and prophets) turn
and ask Allah to send mercy and blessings on Hussain (asws) and pray for those who are
performing His Ziarat.” -
Abdullah al Tahan narrates:
I heard Aba Abdullah Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) say;
“On the Day of Judgment, everyone will desire to be amongst those who had performed
the Ziarat of Hussain (asws) because they will see the manner in which the zuwar of
Hussain (asws) will be recognized and treated by Allah.
Importance of Ziyarat
Click here to know about importance of Ziyarat E Imam Hussain (asws)
Ethics & Etiquette Of Ziyarat
Click here to know about Ethics & Etiquette Of Ziyarat E Imam Hussain (asws)